XPU Member Forum
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This forum is for members of Xperience Point University Guild in the online game Duels.com.

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Application & membership guidelines

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1Application & membership guidelines Empty Application & membership guidelines Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:33 pm

Staff Badge Botman

Staff Badge Botman

Applicant's W/L must be below 50% to be accepted for membership.

New members will be given a grace period to get their W/L % below Guild guidelines.

As of 01 January 2009 applicant's must be at least level 10 to be considered for membership.

Our members will be monitored and held to the following guidelines for continued membership:

1. W/L cannot go above 35%.
2. Must represent XPU as a community servant.
3. Must not charge for services. This includes "Requiring" people to skirmish you. If you answer challenges people will skirmish you because they want the XP & tokens just as much as you.
4. Must stay active in the Arena. Any member who does not reasonably answer challenges for 2 weeks will be removed from the guild roster for inactivity. Only answering challenges from your alts or only replying to the challenges of a select few challengers does not constitute reasonably answering challeges.
5. Any member who's W/L goes above 50% will be immediately removed from the guild rolls without any further warning. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Any reports of XPU member misconduct will be investigated by guild leadership.

The Guild leadership reserves the right to remove any member who does not represent our Guild positively or serve the Duelists community admirably.


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