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Getting the most out of your player

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1Getting the most out of your player Empty Getting the most out of your player Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:56 pm



Hi every one i have decided to compile a list of tips to help u get more challenges XP for ur self and get more tokens.

1. In your origin box try and put a small intro telling people that your there to give them XP and putting FREE WINS on the origin always goes down well.

2. Skirmishes always state in your origin that would like people to skirmish u 3X a day and try not to demand people to do this as this can put people off. You will find people who challenge you every day will skirmish you off there own back.

3. Look weak this is a strange thiing to say but the weaker you look the more people will challenge you. Remeber player that are 8 levels below u can challenge you so dont scare them off.

4. Be online all the time (i cant i work or go to school how can i be online all the time)its easy when u go to work/school or bed leave ur web browser open on duels webpage i will find when u get up or come home from work/school your message box will be full of challenge.

5.Reply to every challenge (if possible) there are 3 main reasons to do this 1 u get through ur challenges faster this way 2 people see your active and challenge back 3 u will build up a rhythm with the player doing so will result in the player challenge you again.

6. THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL BE FRIENDLY if some one send u a message or taunt of thanks send them 1 back it take no time at all and will help u in the long run.

Follow all these tips and u will find that you are getting
200-300 challenges 400-500 tokens and 75000 XP ever single day.

Last edited by sygaba on Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:53 pm



Good points!
Another thing I try to do is when someone sends me a thank you I try to respond in a positive way to acknowledge it, and to remind them to tell their friends about our service.
I've gotten many "referrals" this way.

3Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:07 pm



I totally agree if u keep it a fun and friendly people will always come back and invite other to do so

4Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:49 pm

I has a hotdog

I has a hotdog

I've got 2 exp alts, 1 staff and 1 sword. Both of them I have the same Origin (give or take a few changes) and it states the player MUST skirmish atleast once. Now every so often I get someone that doesn't skirmish so I decide to knock some sense into them and use a full loadout.

About 7 times out of 10 they come back after skirmishing and it's all fine. I get a lot of taunts that way Razz .

5Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:37 pm



Thats fine i have done the sames myself. If that works for u go with it just try not to alienate the other players. Very Happy

6Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:53 pm

I has a hotdog

I has a hotdog

Aww but the annihilation is the fun part Smile .

Gotta put them in check somehow. If they don't play by your rules than why should you?

Another great tip, to spread the joy even further enroll in the tournaments, and ladders. Mass challenge in the ladders, and usually in the tournaments (if you want) you're giving a free tourny advancement, and hopefully another person that'll abuse your free exp generosity Twisted Evil .

7Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:05 pm

Staff Badge Botman

Staff Badge Botman

Don't forget that you cannot "charge a fee" i.e. require that players skirmish you. Trust me if you just keep your challenges answered people will come back and you'll get all the skirmishes you need. Remember that all these other players want the same things we're after gold, tokens & XP. They're not much different from any of us. But try to be courteous, keep your challenges answered, and most of all have fun.


8Getting the most out of your player Empty Re: Getting the most out of your player Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:03 am


I use Firefox web browser with the add-on: Tab Mix Plus

To maxmize my visibility and contribution, I put a Quick Duel Folder on the tool bar. This folder has 12 copies of the Quick Duel bookmark:

I simply right-click on this folder and select "Open all in tabs" and 12 tabs open up, each of which spawns a quick duel. Do this twice (sometimes 3 times) and you'll have all 25 quick duels used up in a short time. A lot of people re-challenge based on their quick duel results.

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