XPU Member Forum
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This forum is for members of Xperience Point University Guild in the online game Duels.com.

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Hello everybody

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1Hello everybody Empty Hello everybody Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:03 am

Berem Everman

Hello to all. Happy to see that a forum is being put up so we can know each other and work things out. I have fairly good photoshop skills so if you need any kind of artwork done, don't hesitate to ask.

Oh, and I'm 34, from Chile.

2Hello everybody Empty photo shop Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:25 pm



U say u have good photo shop skills so i was wondering if u can make some icons for the forum i am looking for icons of the new post/post reaply and edit message that are more inkeeping of the style of the forum if u can do this get back to me and we will sort out the details

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