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Heya peeps

2 posters

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1Heya peeps Empty Heya peeps Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:01 am


I am 19 year old guy from Finland Smile I have been played duels about 8 months now and I have couple alts atm. I play wow.. have played it about 3 years :p

2Heya peeps Empty Re: Heya peeps Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:39 pm



Hi bankster i hope that u enjoy ur time in the guild if u have any question please send a message to me botman or Bodhidharma.

I playered WOW for to long it nealy f~~ked up my life just could not stop playing it then i got sick to deaf of paying monthly fees when there are meny FREE MMORPGs on the net that are just as fun try this 1 http://atlantica.ndoorsgames.com/center/default.asp Its like final fantasy/wow lots of fun.

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