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This forum is for members of Xperience Point University Guild in the online game Duels.com.

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Hey all

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1Hey all Empty Hey all Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:03 am

Free XP Diva

Im Diva from the UK.I love Duels and only got into it by accident but cant keep away from it now!Add me as an ally and send me a message now an again to keep me happy,after all i am a diva lol!

2Hey all Empty Re: Hey all Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:04 am

Free XP Diva

Thought id add what games ive played before and what i still play now and again.

Still Play...
Fallensword only when duels is down for maintenence though.
Neopets..I know its a kids game but its fun.
The Sims 2..Gotta love controlling people!
Guitar Hero 1,2,3 on PS2.
Bowling,carnival games,fun fair games on WII console.

Use to play..
Runescape..just seemed to have lost interest in it,maybe ill go back one day.
Dungeon Keeper 1,2...I like this game but rarely play it now.

Other info..
Im 36 years old,married for 15 years,2 boys ages 12 and 15,live in Cornwall,UK.

3Hey all Empty Re: Hey all Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:58 am



Hi there i am sy i of the officers of the guild and runner of the forum. Its nice to see anouter uk resident in the guild theres not to menny in the game i played runscape my self and same as u got board with it if u have any question or comments please send me a message i will try to get back to u ASAP.

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