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Hey the hotdog is here!

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1Hey the hotdog is here! Empty Hey the hotdog is here! Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:36 pm

I has a hotdog

I has a hotdog

I'm I has a hotdog. 15, currently live in MN, USA. Have the ability to be in college but don't want to waste the "precious" years by skipping school, and I don't have the attention span for the classes I even have at this very moment.

Got a couple alts, so I know what I'm doing. I'm a game designer, so I can be a hard ass at some times. Most of the time once you get to know me I'm a lose person but I have 4 years of held in anger (do to my anger depressants) so I can "implode" at any time.

2Hey the hotdog is here! Empty Re: Hey the hotdog is here! Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:26 pm



Nice intro and welcome to the forum i am sy its good to see another gamer in the forum as most of the people that play duels are casual gamers. I hope u enjoy ur time in XPU and the forum if u have any questions or sugestion please PM me

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