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My intro...

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1My intro... Empty My intro... Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:17 am

Staff Badge Botman

Staff Badge Botman

Hi all I am the (in)famous Staff Badge Botman. XPU Guildmaster & whipping boy extraordinaire. I'm 39yrs old, soon to be single & oddly attracted to Starryeyed I love you , I have a thing for smart women. tongue (sorry Bodhidharma)

I would like to welcome everyone to our new guild forum. I hope we can all use it to help each other out, spread news, and interface with the other members of the guild.

I hope the guild has been helpful to everyone. If you need to contact me, Duels is the best place to do it.


2My intro... Empty Re: My intro... Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:04 pm

Staff Badge Botman

Staff Badge Botman


I have been a gamer for a very long time. I still remember the days of taking a Polaroid picture of the console TV screen to send into Atari because I finally got the score I needed to win a Pitfall Harry T-shirt. Moved onto early computer games, who remembers the very 1st installment of Pirates! on Apple IIe? Yeah, that long.

I spent years playing Ultima Online & finally parted with my account after my wife made me sell it, got $400 if you're wondering(thank you eBay!). In that game I was well known as the thief named "Bank". I used that name because the bank was the best place to hit your victims. When you appeared your name would flash, so it looked like I was saying bank to open my bank chest. you had to appear for a split second to snoop your vics backpack seeing the word Bank pop up made them think that you were just banking instead of stealing the keys to their boat(I had a fleet of 20+ when I left) or whatever you could get your hands on. My best haul? Got a guys boat key just as he was logging off. In the hold... 100k in gold, a house deed(70k gp there), another ship deed(12k gp), and whole bunch of resources and assorted stuff. Took me almost 30 mins to clean everything out and move it all to my house. That was a fun night.

I've played consoles but seem to always gravitate back to PC. I like the interaction of online games. I play a little Combat Arms(free MMOFPS)when I feel like shooting someone in the face, I've recently started Duels Warstorm because I was bored one day & I just started playing Project Torque(free MMO Racing Game). I also started Guitar Hero for PC recently.

BTW Sword Badge Botman has nothing to do with me, he is not one of my alts.


3My intro... Empty Re: My intro... Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:05 am



Hey botman i did not know that u were a big gamer its good to see. Combat arms looks good i will sign up for that and see if i can get some nasty head shots on u lol. As for me i have not been playing games as long as u due to the age difference but i can safely say i have done my fair share of gaming. My first PC games that i really got in to were the command and conquer that got me hooked on to RTS then when i found WOW a couple of years ago and the game just stole my life. I was late for work most days as i was up till 3-4am most nights then my girl friend dumped me (shocker) that was the wake up call i had to quit the game.

I mainly play console games and casual online games like duels now. I have got into playing FPS now on my PS3 the call of duty series is very good and the online on PS3 is very good specially if u have a headset. I cant wait for KILLZONE 2 to come out in the next couple week that game is going to be 1 of the best games of the year and it has 30-player death match online wooo.

4My intro... Empty Re: My intro... Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:32 am

Imah Grinder

I have been gaming since Dungeons and Dragons first came out (yes, a loooong time ago). Travel sometimes for work, and AD&D is not as fun (plus, tough to find peeps my age still playing it anywhere closeby, plus family time, etc., so internet games are what I do nowadays). XPU was such a huge help to my other characters here in Duels that I wanted to do the same thing for others with this alt - thank you for letting me join! Very Happy

5My intro... Empty Re: My intro... Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:22 pm



NP and i hope u enjoy ur time in the guild and the forum if u have ant quetions or u need help with any thing then please pm me send me a message on duels.

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